
A Synergy of Hippocrates’ Medical Approach
​and Dr. Sinclair’s NMN Health Strategy

​A Holistic Path to Wellness
​Why It’s Important to Your Health

Nikola Tesla: 

It is no secret, but common sense. I look upon the human body as a machine, and I treat it with the respect which a machine deserves. I keep it properly oiled and properly cleaned, and I see to it that it has no opportunity to gather rust.

The most important element in my scheme of life is my diet. You cannot expect a machine to function well if you do not provide it with the proper fuel.

Being a scientist, I attempt to regulate the machine which I call my body according to the laws of the planet on which I live. Whatever scheme of life man adopts, it must conform to the physical condition created by the rotation of the globe. The physical law which divides twenty-four hours into day and night also divides man’s life into two periods — one in which he lives and another in which he rests. This in itself seems to indicate the desirability of two meals a day in unison with the world rhythm — one meal to give us energy for the day’s work, another to supply the body with the material with which it will replenish itself during sleep.

Ref: https://teslauniverse.com/nikola-tesla/articles/nikola-teslas-youth-and-strength-78


In the ever-evolving landscape of healthcare, two distinct yet complementary approaches have garnered attention for their potential to revolutionize the way we address health concerns.

The first is the age-old wisdom of Hippocrates, often considered the father of modern medicine, and the second is Dr. David Sinclair’s ground-breaking NMN (Nicotinamide Mononucleotide) health strategy.

While these approaches come from different eras and backgrounds, their synergy can offer a powerful means of addressing a wide range of ailments and promoting overall well-being.

​In this article, we will explore the benefits to your future health by combining these two approaches and delve into the types of ailments that can be effectively resolved through their integration.

Our Approach to Your Health

At it’s most basic, we believe that your own body and it’s immune system is the only way that you can both prevent disease from affecting your health and repair the damage that past (or current) diseases have or will cause.

So our Programme is not a “silver bullet” (as promised by Big Pharma and the drug companies) – it’s building your own immune system to do what it does best – protect you.

In a way, it’s like the soil that we grow our crops on – if the soil is healthy, we don’t need to pump in fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides, because if the soil is healthy, it will take care of the plants we grow.

Life is all about balance – and that’s what our immune system (and healthy soil) does – keeps everything in balance.

And when our bodies are in balance, no disease can take over our systems.

Aerobic vs Anaerobic

Probably the simplest way to explain how our immune system works is by understanding what “bad” organisms (bacteria, viruses and other organisms that cause inflammation and disease in our bodies) love – and what they hate.

Scientific research has proven that these “bad” organisms cannot survive in highly oxygenated (oxygen rich or aerobic) environments (and thrive in an anaerobic or oxygen poor environment)

So it would stand to reason wouldn’t you think, that if we had high levels of oxygen in our bodies and cells, that these “bad” organisms simply couldn’t survive?

And if they can’t survive, they can’t hurt us right?

So the question is – how do make our bodies and cells “oxygen rich”?

Well, that’s where our Programme comes into play.

Part of our Programme is to enrich the bodies oxygen levels by taking small amounts of food grade hydrogen peroxide (a highly corrosive agent at the 35% concentration level – but gets diluted down to a maximum of 3% for safe ingestion by us humans).

Stress is Problem #1

But our bodies need to be receptive to the oxygen that the 3% hydrogen peroxide can give us; and the main blocker to that is stress.

When we are stressed, our cells are effectively closed and cannot absorb the oxygen we want them to have.

So our Programme (see the Steps below) starts with helping you deal with the stressors in your life.

In Step 1 of our Hippocrates Programme, our Counsellors are trained to work with you to understand what those stressor are and help you to find different ways to deal with them, so they don’t raise your stress levels.

We all have stressors in our lives (work, family, finances, relationships and more) – and nobody can remove them. They are, after all, just part of life.

But our Counsellors help you to manage how you RESPOND to those stressors in ways that make them much more manageable.

Oxygenation is Problem #2

Once you have your stress under control, we introduce the Hydrogen Peroxide Step.

Over a planned period, we will guide you to take 3% diluted food grade hydrogen peroxide in small doses, starting with 3 drops a day up to 30 drops a day and then tapering back down to the 3 drops a day maintenance dose.

That process will then oxygenate your body and cells to the point where any diseases coming your way will be fended off by your own immune system – and help to deal with any “bad” organisms you have now.

We accept there is a role for Western medicine in diagnosis of diseases – we just don’t believe that dealing with “symptoms” alone without dealing with the overall issues of a weak immune system are a long term path to a long, healthy and happy life.

You should certainly enter our Programme under the supervision of your Doctor if you have known existing or underlying problems and we encourage you to do so.

Now, when you have de-stressed your life and enriched the oxygen in your cells, (or even while you are doing that), you need to look at the other ways you can boost your immune system, through nutrition and exercise.

Food is Problem #3 – Our Nutrition Plan

This website is called “May Food be Your Medicine” for a reason.

Dora has spent years researching what foods and “super-foods” are necessary for a long and healthy life.

Our Programme includes cereals, nuts, vegetables and other highly nutritious and anti-ageing products – because even with a highly effective and powerful immune system, our cells still die, we still age.

Ageing (too soon) is Problem #4

And because we want you to not just live a long and healthy life, but look and feel amazing for all of it, we also include what are called NMN foods (see Dr. Sinclair’s information about NMN Foods) and stem cell supplements.

All of these Steps lead up to our Hippocratic Kitchen Health Retreats, which we are planning to roll out beginning in 2024.

Our Plan is to build the first Hippocratic health resort, where we will start holding our retreats, in Cos Greece – the home of Hippocrates.

From there, we will be developing other Hippocratic Kitchen Resorts around the world.

So please – read about Hippocrates and Dr. Sinclair below and then check our our Programme.

We would love to welcome you into the Hippocratic Kitchen community and get you started on our Programme.

Thank you for taking the time to spend with us.

Hippocrates and Dr. Sinclair

I. Hippocrates’ Medical Approach:

Hippocrates, an ancient Greek physician, is renowned for his foundational contributions to medicine. He emphasized the importance of understanding the body as a whole and the role of lifestyle and diet in maintaining health. Hippocrates’ principles, summarized in the famous phrase “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food,” underscore the significance of nutrition in preventing and treating diseases.

Benefits of Hippocrates’ Approach:

1. Holistic Health: Hippocrates believed in treating the root causes of ailments rather than just alleviating symptoms. This holistic perspective can help prevent various chronic diseases by addressing lifestyle factors.

2. Nutritional Medicine: Emphasizing the role of nutrition, Hippocrates’ approach encourages individuals to adopt balanced diets rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, which can boost the immune system and support overall health.

3. Preventive Medicine: By promoting a proactive approach to health through lifestyle changes, Hippocrates’ teachings can reduce the risk of ailments such as heart disease, diabetes, and obesity.

II. Dr. David Sinclair’s NMN Health Strategy:

Dr. David Sinclair, a modern pioneer in the field of aging research, has introduced a novel approach to promoting health and longevity through NMN supplementation. NMN is a precursor to NAD+ (Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide), a molecule crucial for cellular energy production and repair processes.

Benefits of Dr. Sinclair’s NMN Strategy:

1. Cellular Revitalization: NMN supplementation has shown promise in rejuvenating aging cells and enhancing their functionality, potentially slowing down the aging process.

2. DNA Repair: By supporting DNA repair mechanisms, NMN can help reduce the risk of cancer and other diseases associated with DNA damage.

3. Metabolic Health: NMN has been linked to improved metabolic health, making it a potential tool in addressing conditions like diabetes and obesity.

Synergy and Ailments:

The synergy between Hippocrates’ medical approach and Dr. Sinclair’s NMN health strategy lies in their shared focus on prevention and holistic well-being.

1. Aging-Related Ailments: By combining the wisdom of Hippocrates with NMN supplementation, individuals can address age-related ailments such as arthritis, cognitive decline, and cardiovascular issues more effectively. Lifestyle changes and NMN can work hand-in-hand to support overall health and vitality.

2. Metabolic Disorders: Conditions like diabetes and obesity can benefit from a dual approach that includes dietary improvements and NMN supplementation. The holistic lifestyle changes advocated by Hippocrates can complement the metabolic benefits of NMN.

3. Inflammation and Immunity: Both approaches can help combat chronic inflammation, a common underlying factor in various diseases. Hippocrates’ emphasis on anti-inflammatory foods aligns with NMN’s potential to modulate immune responses.

The integration of Hippocrates’ medical approach and Dr. Sinclair’s NMN health strategy offers a promising path to wellness. By embracing a holistic lifestyle, focusing on nutrition, and incorporating NMN supplementation, individuals can address a wide range of ailments, from age-related issues to metabolic disorders and inflammation.

The synergy of these two approaches exemplifies the power of combining ancient wisdom with cutting-edge science in the pursuit of optimal health and longevity.

Click here to see how our Programme will help you achieve a super Immune System