About Us

Just imagine for a moment, what if Hippocrates had been aware of the benefits of DNA supplements and compounds like NMN and NAD 2,500 years ago?

How different would the world be today?

Well, once upon a time a little girl called Theodora who lived in a little house in an enchanted forest had a dream that involved a way of enhancing the body’s ability to produce NAD for long-life of everyone.

She remembered the dream all her life and worked tirelessly until she found a way to make her dream, a reality.

In her dream, Theodora was guided to a place called “Healthy Heaven” where people never grew old or got sick.

She grew very curious about dreams and how the power of imagination could create magic.

What started as a simple vision, of a young girl from a small and unknown village, had become a revolutionary solution that would change the world.

The Story of Theodora
She learned about the importance of NMN and NAD which were essential for energy production in the human body, for long life, which combined with her love for food and healthy living, and changed the world in a way that she could never have imagined.

Theodora developed a unique recipe that combined ingredients and cooking methods to enhance body’s NAD production naturally, She created a magical aura that filled the air with wondrous aroma and contagious vitality for all the right reasons.

Theodora called NMN, “New Magical Nutrients”, so people could remember it.

Her quest for long life a was life-long, she was unwavering determination to never give up, unbridled passion, boundless love, and faith in yourself that led her to greatness.

The magical world Theodora created had with her cooking skills taught her that the power of imagination and the magic that lived within everyone could transform the ordinary into extraordinary, making her cooking a significant breakthrough in culinary innovation and health.

She realized that living a life full of love, passion, and never giving up on your dreams was the only way to change the world in your heart and soul which showed in the delicious meals she prepared for everyone.

Her Hippocrates Kitchen became a special place, full of color, wonderment, with a spiritual magic of food and health. This would be Theodora’s legacy, a legacy of health, wellness, and power of courageous dreams.

Through her dedication and passion, she left an indelible mark on the world.

Every time someone enjoyed a healthy meal or fought off an aging symptom, they could thank the young girl Theodora and her passion for healthy living and say with a smile, “Thank you, Dora.“

Produced by JA MAMONE Oct 2023

Dora – My Story

My grandmother was a Christian refugee from Turkey who found her way to Greece. My mother was born in Greece, where she married and had three children of her own, by the time the Second World War had broken out across Europe. I was conceived during the later period of the war, in extremely poor health and not expected to survive.

Christians have spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ to preserve the spiritual and physical temple of Christians throughout the world for all time.

Through the ages, Christians can recount the event that spurred the miracle that changed their lives forever and inspired them to become witnesses for Christ Our Lord and to give their lives as living testimony to share that miracle with others.

The life of Theodora Low, founder of “Bring My People Home” was changed forever when she prayed for daughter’s healing and miraculous recovery from a terminal illness.

This led Theodora on a determined journey to be a witness for God. Continual praise and deepest humility that God had answered her prayers against all odds motivated her to pursue the healing and longevity of others around her through common sense and harm prevention by promotion of healthy eating and living habits.

Theodora’s faith and prayer for her daughter’s health and recovery was answered by God. The “Bring My People Home” foundation was created and named according to the words that Jesus spoke to Theodora in a vision to build upon her blessings and advance the spiritual and physical well being of the Temple of man. She has sought in all things to inspire love and wonderment sharing the miracles of God with his people in the world now and ongoing into the future.

During the Baptism, my Godmother gave me the name Theodora or God’s gift in Greek. By this time, the war had all but finished and I was making a recovery to being a healthy child again, my mother no longer needed to give me up for adoption.

I had a dream when I was only 17 years old. This dream was about a man who had a crooked or broken nose because he was a boxer. This man in my dream was to become my future husband.

I had migrated to Australia by the time I was 18 years old and had been in Sydney for 3 months before I found a job squeezing oranges. That same day, Tom my husband still today, started working at the factory.

When he met me, he was shocked, as I was exactly the girl he saw in his dream. He was so excited trying to tell me about his dream but I had been in Australia for only three months and did not know a word of English and Tom only spoke German and English. Three months later, we got married.

In 1966, our daughter Gloria was born and the very next year, our second daughter Elizabeth was born. We worked in factories until we saved and bought our first home. We got a second mortgage and bought a supermarket in Sydney before we sold everything.

We moved to the Gold Coast where we bought the Southport Tourist Park. After 9 years of running the park, we leased it for 15 years. During this time, the four of us travelled around Australia and the world.

In May 2005, we were celebrating Tom’s 70th birthday on King Island when we received a call from Gloria. She was diagnosed with Leukemia (AML). She was admitted in Mater private hospital. An urgent operation was required on her lungs and we had to sign and acknowledge that there could be 50% change after the operation.

I visited the chapel in the hospital and there was a little statue of Mary and baby Jesus in the arm (also Jesus on the cross). I prayed to Mary because she was the mother and she knew the pain of losing a child. I said, ‘Dear God, you heal my daughter and I spend the rest of my life serving you.’

That night, I had a dream that I visited my daughter in the hospital and in front of the hospital, there was a seven story high statue Mary. She told me that my family was going to be fine and to apply Hippocrates method of searching food as medicine.

At that time, I did not know my husband was also suffering from cancer. Gloria stayed in hospital for one and a half years and had chemotherapy ten times.

In the meantime, I managed to put up 250 pages of super food.

Two weeks before she was discharged, Tom was diagnosed with prostate cancer in the 4th stage, spread to his bones and the doctors said it was too late to treat and save him. The only treatment they were willing to do, was to give him morphine for the excessive pain.

When Gloria was discharged, I started to feed her and Tom with the super food. After three months on this diet, Tom’s bones were all clear. The prostate cancer did not spread because his PSA was very low. He did not even need operation due to an extremely low PSA. After this, even today, he is still healthy and his prostate is under control.

Also back in the year 2000, He was immobilized and was in terrible pain. We took him to the hospital and he was diagnosed with Rheumatoid arthritis and they put him on methotrexate ejections (chemotherapy), one every week.

The doctors told him he has to be on those ejections for the rest of his life. He was taking the chemotherapy till May 2016 and he was having side effects, including depression. After May 2016, we put extra vitamins and nutrients in his diet. Till today, he doesn’t need ejections anymore and he has no symptoms for Rheumatoid arthritis. He also managed to overcome his depression.

I weighed 100 kg myself. I had fatty liver, cholesterol and diabetes. Now I am 67 kg and I don’t have any of the problems above. I am perfectly healthy. The doctors said that I have one of the best health reports for a seventy year old. Even today, the whole family is on the same diet and healthy.

The latest tragedy in our lives was on the 8th of February, 2016. Tom went to have a mid-day rest and I noticed in the evening, he was still sleeping. I tried to wake him up but he was unconscious. We called the ambulance and they took him to Griffith University hospital and put him in the ICU. Next day, we talked to the doctors and they told us he had a stroke, a blood clot on his lungs and neck and he was brain dead. We were told even if he came out of coma, he would be brain dead.

After three days, we were told that we should start planning to take him off the life support. On the 9th of February, I went to Greek Orthodox Church to talk to the priest about arranging Tom’s funeral. The priest suggested doing the service in the Greek Church, we have to baptise him first. He came to the hospital at 7 pm and baptised him and anointed him with oil.

On 10th February, we were busy arranging for his funeral. At 5 in the evening, the family gathered together and visited the hospital to say their final goodbyes and turn off the life support. When we entered the room, we could not believe our eyes as Tom was out of his coma and off the life the support.
His brain was perfect and the doctors could not explain how he recovered. The x-rays afterwards were perfect. Few days later, he was released from the hospital.

Few weeks later, he drove to Sydney and Melbourne. He came back after two months to work and was perfectly fine. Now, we have a spiritual group as we get together every week to do meditation and pray for healing.

​One of the newest members in our group, Reverent Margaret, told me she had a message for Tom from the other side. When she saw Tom, she told him the message. He actually died in coma and went to the other side, and he saw his mother with her biological father. He died when she was 11. Tom’s grandmother had three kids from a Jewish father. She told Tom to read verse 23 of Bible which is read in funeral. He had two choices, to stay on this side or to go back and give his testimony. This was to help others. And that is now what we are trying to do.