
It is accepted generally by science that if one could travel faster than light in the three dimensional universe you would enter a fourth or other dimension where Space and Time combine, where past, present and future exist together inseparably.

Dreams are usually about what one sees in the future through the window of time, even if the dream is about the past. The event is recalled in some symbolic and not a real, holistic or coherent way. There is almost certainly a barrier preventing knowledge of the future – similar to the barrier of light speed in the three dimensional universe – which if one could exceed would cross over into another dimension of existence and knowing.

At this time, even as you are reading this information, the galaxies are continuing to move away from each other at just under the speed of light resulting from the Big Bang explosion which created the universe.

When we sleep it is possible that our mind, soul or life spirit crosses dimensional barriers because it is not a big jump to exceed light speed from the speed we travel in the physical universe – and perhaps become free to roam infinite dimensions of creation because it is not restrained to our three dimensional Physical Being.

Deja Vu is the another type of dream occurring in the same way without recollection until you come to the event on the time line in the three dimensional physical universe. It seems we can know something but not everything when we dream.

Dreams are important to remember because although primitive man did not have knowledge of time, space and dimensions to imagine or think about how dreams might occur or even why; he would have thought some dreams were important or compelling enough to keep in mind and ponder in everyday life enhancing his life & survival skill.

(Joseph A. Mamone 2021)

Nikola Tesla “I saw the inventions and ideas come to me through dreams”