
Welcome to
Theodora’s 5 Step Hippocrates
Live4Ever ​Programme

​Are you ready to embark on a journey to a healthier, happier you?

Theodora’s Hippocrates Live4Ever Programme is your gateway to a life filled with vitality and well-being. This comprehensive program is designed to transform your life through a holistic approach to health and wellness.

At Hippocrates Health Retreat we believe in a positive, holistic approach to health that incorporates fitness, nutrition, cell rejuvenation, healthy eating education and lifestyle changes.

The health and wellness industry is growing rapidly as individuals become eager to reap the benefits of a healthier lifestyle. An abundance of research has found correlations between wellness, worker productivity, happiness, and life expectancy. However, starting the journey towards a healthier lifestyle is difficult and even harmful without the correct resources. For example, many popular diets and fitness regimens can actually cause more harm than good and only produce short-term results, leaving individuals frustrated and discouraged.

Hippocrates Health Retreat solves this problem by:

  • Offering superior, personalized, and convenient health coaching to our clients. Our experienced coaches emphasize the importance of maintaining a feasible fitness regimen, having a balanced nutritional plan, and developing behaviors that will produce long-term results enabling our clients to live happier and healthier lives.
  • Nutritional, holistic and rejuvenating meal plans developed and arranged by renowned nutritionists. Super foods that will relax the body, mind and soul, revitalize and rejuvenate.
  • Every relaxation method and forms to help de-stress, de-compress, and de-activate through massage, meditation, tai chi, aromatherapy, music and art therapy, hydrotherapy, deep breathing and biofeedback even to spiritual revival and reformation to name a few.
  • Extra-terrestrial, uniquely designed incubator cell pods bringing your rejuvenation process forward to the future.
  • Renowned nutritionists will help develop meal plans that are holistic in setting balance, nutritional and rejuvenating meals.

The Health retreats impressive range of professionals will offer relaxation, massage and destressing environments for the mental well-being of our clients. Including state of the art, out of this planet equipment designed to offer rejuvenation and spiritual enlightenment for the spiritual and soul healing solutions.

Overall Hippocrates Health Retreat will be providing a wide range of services and programs, such as fitness classes, personal training, massage therapy, and nutritional counselling.

Additionally, Hippocrates Health Retreat can provide customers with a comfortable and supportive environment, where they can work towards their wellness goals and overcome the problems they are facing.

4 Services: Hippocrates Health Retreat acts as the one-stop resource for all of our client’s health and wellness needs.
COACHING: Clients will receive a personalized fitness and nutrition plan as well as coaching in successful goal setting, stress and time management, and long-term lifestyle changes.

Step 1: De-stress with the Theodora Calming System

Before we can begin the journey towards optimal health, it’s essential to de-stress your life.

The Theodora Calming System is your first step on this path.

This system is designed to help you find tranquility in the chaos of daily life.

By reducing stress, you pave the way for your cells to be more receptive to the benefits of the following steps.

But – and this is absolutely essential to any successful transformation in your life – a quote by Hippocrates really says it all:

“If someone says they want good health – and a transformation from their current situation – one must first ask oneself if they are truly ready to do away with the reasons for their illness. Only if they are, is it possible to help them”

In other words, you must be truly ready to remove from your life the things that are causing you to be ill (habits, mindsets, diet) – and start bringing in those things that will bring you joy, health, happiness and long life (the Steps in this Programme).

Our 4 week Calming System includes:

  • 1-on-1 therapy sessions to help break through and understand the stressors in your life
  • a series of exercises to help you reach and maintain the level of calmness you need for the next step
  • a monitoring and support programme between your start with the System and the Health Retreat

We can support you – but are you ready?

Step 2: Re-oxygenate with Theodora O3 Health Maintenance Programme

Once you’ve achieved a sense of calm, and removed stress from your life, it’s time to re-oxygenate your body.

The Theodora O3 Health Maintenance Programme introduces you to a 3% diluted solution of 35% food-grade hydrogen peroxide, a powerful tool for oxygenating your cells. This step is crucial for revitalizing your body and boosting your overall well-being – but you need your mind and your cells open to receive the extra oxygen (so that’s why Step 1: the Calming System is critical to your Success)

Step 3: Lifestyle4Ever Program – Adopt a Healthy Nutrition and Exercise 

Healthy living is at the heart of Theodora’s philosophy.

Our Lifestyle4Ever Programme combines the best of nutrition and exercise to help you achieve and maintain your well-being goals.

You’ll enjoy Theodora’s unique blend of cereal and nut superfoods, along with NMN superfoods to support anti-aging and even the reversal of aging effects.

Step 4: Access Support with Theodora Life Bonus App

Support is a vital component of any health journey.

The Theodora Life Bonus App is here to provide you with the guidance, motivation, and support you need throughout your wellness journey. It’s your companion in achieving your health goals.

Our Community is part of your support Team

Step 5: Theodora Hippocrates Health Retreat

**Mark your calendar for March 2024!**

The Theodora Hippocrates Kitchen Health Retreat is where your transformation matures and becomes truly a part of the rest of your life.

Read more about it here

**Book now to secure your spot and jump-start your new life.**

We offer the following memberships to meet our client’s unique needs.

Regular Membership

  • Monthly meetings with health coaches, mobile application access
  • One group session each month, and 24/7 coach access
  • Pricing $xxx per month

Premium Membership

  • Bi-weekly meetings with health coaches
  • Unlimited group sessions each month
  • Mobile application access
  • 24/7 coach access
  • Exclusive discounts
  • Pricing $xxx per month

Business Membership

  • One-on-one coaching on-site
  • Group sessions
  • Mobile application access
  • 24/7 coach access
  • Pricing $xxx per month

NUTRITIONISTS:  Holistic nutrition is all about eating healthy food as close to its natural state as possible for optimum health and well- being. It focuses on the interconnectedness of the body, mind, and spirit.

Hallmarks of holistic nutrition include unrefined, unprocessed, organic and locally grown whole foods. The goal of holistic nutrition is to support and optimize the body’s innate healing abilities, promoting wellness and preventing disease.

So the renowned nutritionists will setup and process meal plans catered and suited for the individuals’ needs and well-being.

Regular Memberships

  • Monthly meetings with nutritionist
  • Mobile application access
  • One group session each month, and
  • 24/7 nutritionist access
  • Pricing $xxx per month

Premium Memberships

  • Bi-weekly meetings with nutritionist
  • Unlimited group sessions each month
  • Mobile application access
  • 24/7 nutritionist access
  • Exclusive discounts
  • Pricing $xxx per month

Business Memberships

  • One-on-one nutritionist on-site
  • Group sessions
  • Mobile application access
  • 24/7 coach access
  • Pricing $xxx per month

Programme Pricing

1. 5 Step Theodora’s Live4Ever Programme  – AU$7,500.00
     incl. 7 Day Health Retreat, all Programmes listed and 6 months of the       
     Lifestyle4Ever Programme

2. Theodora’s Calming System  – AU$3,500.00
     incl. 6 Therapy Sessions, the Calming System Toolkit and Online
     Support for 6 Months and Theodora’s O3 Health Maintenance

3. Theodora’s Lifestyle4Ever Programme  – AU$1,350.00 per month
     subscription (includes 90 meals – 30 days x 3 meals – per month)